Forum Blog - Learning the Best EMBEDLY codes

Learning the Best EMBEDLY codes

Learning the Best EMBEDLY codes

Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:14 pm

Getting started with the HTMLcodes

Hello, have you been looking for a way to embed some of your apps either on your website or blog?

Then this is your dream come true, cos with the EMBEDLY codes you can do it.

Now, what is embedly?

Embedly is a site that helps you embed rich-media articles...

With the embedly you can embed many social plugins.

The Embedly Site been used by millions, help you embed a Twitter Feed right in your site. You don't need to direct people to follow you on twitter, but right the in your site or blog, they can see your updates.

It also give you the opportunity to embed a Facebook Follow button or Likes in your site.

With Embedly you get your site or blog looking cool.

To know more Sign Up on Embedly

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